As of February 2016, after 416 posts, and over six and a half years of blogging, I'm taking a break.
I've explained why here. There's plenty of past posts to read, though - hope you enjoy them !
Looking for a brilliant present for a young naturalist ? Buy my book ! Available from Amazon UK,
Amazon US and worldwide but buy from a local bookshop if you can.

Happy Christmas everyone !


Happy Christmas everyone ! I don't think we'll get snow like this here in Scotland (this was from earlier in the year) but I hope you all have a lovely Christmas with friends and family and get everything you ask for.

I'll do my final blog post of the year in a week's time, when I'll do a roundup of what 2013 has meant to me.

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Findlay Wilde said...

I hope you have a brilliant Christmas Jake. From Findlay

Jake said...

Thanks Findlay - you too !

colin greenhill said...

a very merry christmas to you and your family, jake. when searching for bones, don't forget to look up and watch the skies now and then!

- from colin. (your falconry instructor)

ps - thanks for the great writeup you did about your falconry lesson back in the summer, and congratulations on the amazing work you're doing on thishere blog of yours.

Jake said...

Thanks !

Jake said...

Thank you very much Mr Greenhill, I really enjoyed the falconry ! (For everyone else the post is here: http://www.jakes-bones.com/2013/08/learning-how-to-handle-harris-hawk.html )

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