As of February 2016, after 416 posts, and over six and a half years of blogging, I'm taking a break.
I've explained why here. There's plenty of past posts to read, though - hope you enjoy them !
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Jake's (broken) bones


Here's a bone I never expected to write about !

Yesterday at cross-country club after school I slipped back and fell and there was a crack and immediately my right leg felt extremely painful and I couldn't move. I was covered up with coats and the headteacher called an ambulance and dad who was off work that day came with my baby brothers.

An ambulance came to take me to hospital. Luckily it was the hospital where my mum works. They put me on a stretcher and put me in the ambulance and my head teacher came too but the wheel of the ambulance got stuck in the mud and they had to get a tractor to pull it out !

When we got to hospital mum and dad and my brothers were waiting. I was given some medicine and went for an x-ray which showed the break above.

Here's the top picture again. It shows my right shin with the ankle on the left and the knee out of shot to the right. The top bone is the fibula and the bottom bone is the main one, the tibia. The fracture is called a spiral fracture and it is caused when the ankle twists one way but the knee doesn't and the tibia breaks inbetween. Doctors said this was a good break because the two bits of bone were where they should be, and the diagonal break means there is a lot of surface area for the new bone to grow inbetween.

The hospital put a temporary cast on by using loads of bandages wrapped round which  had been soaked in a white plaster. The cast will come off on Monday with a new one going on. Then it will take four or five weeks to heal, which is quicker than an adult because my bones are still growing.

This is another part of the same x-ray. It shows my knee joint with the femur (thigh bone) above and below is the tibia (big shin bone) and fibula (small shin bone). The tops of the tibia and fibula are in two parts, just like the bones I find of young animals (like this baby red deer I found last autumn) because the growth plate is between them, where the new bone grows. The doctor said if the fracture had been across the growth plate it would have been bad (a bit like my roe skeleton George where one femur (thigh bone) was shorter than the other).

Anyway I won't be going on any bone-collecting walks for the next month but luckily I have some posts already planned that I can write about.

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tai haku said...

Oh no! Get well soon Jake; plaster casts are no fun. When I was a little bit older than you I managed to spiral fracture my humerus so I know roughly how you're feeling.

Jake said...

Ow ! How did you do that ?

Si Barber said...

Get well soon Jake! S

HenstridgeSJ said...

Poor Jake! But you now have some lovely new bone photos.

I broke my tibia when I was 6, jumping out of a window (silly me); roughly the same place, but it was a 'green-stick' fracture. I was in a full-leg plaster-cast for 8 weeks; I hope yours heals much faster than that.

Rosa Bernardez said...

Dear Jake, be patient. You will be fine very soon. In the meanwhile, you can try mounting a fish skeleton, you will really enjoy it and can get things like that: http://www.fishskulls.com/ .

VeryCarefulDobloDriver said...

Pah... Just one broken bone?? When I was your age I broke both my wrists and my arm in one accident... at a school picnic! Hope you aren't too sore and look forward to see you hobbling around very soon

Jack N said...

Ow!Get well soon Jake!(-;

Andrew Spiers said...

Get well soon Jake. We all do it when we were young. I managed to fall 20 feet out of a tree when I was your age. Broke and dislocated my arm - the doctors had to play tug of war on my arm to reset it, Take care.

Jake said...

Mine's only SUPPOSED to take four or five weeks

Jake said...

That's a cool site !

Jake said...

You broke both wrists and one arm ? That's the kind of injury you get from driving a car into something !

Jake said...

Ow ! That must have been sore !

Andrew Spiers said...

No surprising not. No pain when I did it - I think I was in shock. At the hospital I was full of drugs so no pain there. The worst part was my mum squeezing my hand - that really hurt.

Ric Morris said...

Youch... that's an amazing x-ray, a very clean break but it's a long one isn't it, the way it goes across the tibia like that! You did well to persuade the hospital to let you have a copy of all the x-rays. Ibet the blog helped. You probably mentioned it in the hospital? Really hope you get well soon and I'm looking forward to plenty of fascinating blogs about the healing process. I broke my arm when I was 6, a greenstick fracture, but that was before I was interested in bones and before digital copies of x-ray pictures too. I'd love to have a copy of them but as it was 50 years ago this June they probably aren't even on my medical record anymore.

Paolo Viscardi said...

Ouch! I hope your leg heals well - it'll take a while to get your strength back in that leg after being out of action, but I'm sure you'll be on your feet again soon! I expect it'll give you more time for writing anyway!

Jake said...

Thanks !

Jake said...

It goes diagnonally because it's a spiral fracture and the bone was twisted, but the doctor said that was good because there is more surface area to rejoin.

Jake said...

Thanks ! It sucks though. I am bored already.

Kristie McClure Burns said...

oh don't be bored - i emailed u some pics from the USA last night! i need help!

Ossamenta said...

Ouch! Hope your leg heals quickly.

Psydrache said...

Get well soon, Jake!

Alberto Mesta said...

Did you Know this?.

I wish you speedy recovery


Jake said...

Just about to reply to that !

Jake said...

I saw that story a few months ago !

tai haku said...

by not following the Green Cross Code!! Well done on your telegraph article btw.

WildeAboutBirds said...

Hi Jake, sorry to here about your leg. Hope you're not too bored and that you are up and about really soon, From Findlay

Sheila Barnett said...

Hope the leg heals soon.

Jake said...

I am bored out my skin ! Thanks.

Jake said...

Thanks !

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