↑ This bird looks really cool, maybe a bit like a tropical bird like a parrot. I saw it looking out my hall window into the trees opposite, and there were a whole load of them in a tree. I had to go all the way through my bird book to work out they were waxwings, which come from another country in large groups to eat the berries here. They are so rare here there was even a piece in my local newspaper about them. They have a crest and a yellow tip on the tail.

↑ Ravens, choughs, rooks, ravens and crows all look the same, but this is one is the only one with a light coloured beak, so that makes it a rook. This was about a mile away from my village.

↑ This is a red-legged partridge which live in the pheasant woods. The gamekeeper looks after these all year in the Pheasant Woods, then people pay to shoot them in the winter.

↑ Dad saw this bird looking for food on the banks of the Forth one day when he was working at Hopetoun House. It is a wader and has a massive beak. I thought it was maybe a snipe or a whimbrel, but its beak is long and curved which makes it a curlew.

↑ This bird was about the size of a tit and was on a tree in the Secret Lake Woods. It is a treecreeper and it was looking for insects in the bark to eat.

↑ I found this bone with Dad in Dougal's Cairn wood still with a ring round it. The ring had a long number on it. We thought maybe it was a bird that was rare or protected, because they get tagged, but we looked on the internet and it was from a racing pigeon. We looked up the number and it belonged to a man in Fife, and we emailed him to say it was dead, but he probably knew anyway when it didn't come back.

↑ This was really strange. Dad and I were on a walk in the Pheasant woods when we saw this pheasant in a field being attacked by another bird. We looked up the bird when we got home and it was a lapwing. Eventually, the lapwing chased the pheasant away !

↑ It's been really snowy and cold this week, and birds are starting to come back to the birdtable. Here's one of our robins today.

↑ This is me this afternoon when we stopped or a break at Duck Skull Valley. We were hoping to see roe, but the pheasant shooters had scared them off into the fields. But it was a really beautiful view, and the lakes were all frozen over.
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Hi Jake, how did you find out what bird the rings were from? I found a pigeon with rings on its legs and I want to find out whose it was so I can tell them.
Hi jake I was wondering what your bird life list is
I've never counted !
There's a place online where you can track the rings.
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