This winter has been very, very snowy and cold. At the start of this month it was so snowy that my village was cut off, and there was no electricity. That means that more birds came to our birdtable to get food, and a lot of the birds were different to the birds that normally come. (I wrote about the birds I usually see here). All the birds I'm writing here were special birds that I hadn't seen before.
The bird above is a collared dove. There are two collared doves that live in my village, but they don't normally come to my bird table. They look like pretty pigeons.

The bird above must have got very lost. It's a red-legged partridge, and it looks cool, especially the sides of it. The red-legged partridges normally live in the Pheasant Woods, about half-a-mile away.

This is a jackdaw in the tree outside my window. There is a family of jackdaws that live in my friend Holly's roof. I can see their nest from my window.

This bird was difficult to find, and was a bit unusual. It is a male brambling. I only saw it on one day, and I haven't seen it since.

The bird above are a house sparrow, a greenfinch, and a long-tailed tit. There is a family of sparrows living in the hedge on the other side of my house, but they don't often come to our bird table. The greenfinch loved eating sunflower seeds. The long-tailed tit ate peanuts, but only came once to the garden when it was very cold.

This is a coal tit. It looks like a blue tit but it has a black cap instead.

This bird was a tricky one to work out, but it is a female brambling, and it looks different from the male. My bird book only shows one picture for each bird, so I had to use the RSPB Bird Identifier instead.

I'd seen the bird above before, but only in the forest about three miles away. It has a brilliant coloured tummy, and it is a bullfinch. It didn't go on the bird table, but it ate the buds on the branches of my tree.

This last bird is one that my dad saw yesterday up by the castle. I used the RSPB Bird identifier to work out that it was an oystercatcher. We live away from the coast, so seeing it means the winter is over. They live on the coast, and move inland when it gets warmer in March.
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